Next: Properties of the term
Up: The general -factor Gaussian
Previous: Notation
Bond prices
Consider the general Gaussian real-world n-factor model under objective measure
(1) |
Via Girsanov transform to risk-neutral measure with
and affine:
(2) |
leads to risk-neutral dynamics
(3) |
The price of a T-Bond (i.e. a zero-bond of maturity ) at time then satisfies the PDE
(4) |
Setting the ansatz
leads to the following two ODEs
with initial conditions and .
The function has a natural interpretation as duration with respect to the rates , since
The solutions to the two ODEs are 1
The asymptotics of for will be useful:
(9) |
We turn to the calculation of and via diagonalization of
To avoid clutter the star will be dropped for the remainder of this subsection,
i.e. we write for , etc.
Assuming can be diagonalised
with diagonal the solution
may be rewritten
where the following abbrevation was introduced:
(10) |
Denote the eigenvalues of by
. Then
(11) |
which makes integration towards straightforward:
This can be written in another form,
or, using the result for from section below,
Next: Properties of the term
Up: The general -factor Gaussian
Previous: Notation
Markus Mayer